Its a dirty job, but SOMEONE has to do it...One of the initial things talked about for CanIRON was work load up to, and at, the event. There was an attempt to break down the work into a small number of major areas. In some cases these 'team leaders' will need to do considerable work before the event. For others there will be considerably more labour required over the week of the event itself. In most cases each will need to recruit sub team leaders and workers - closer to the event date.
This is the initial list we came up with - and the people who have said they would assume the tasks:
Site Manager - Wolfgang Bleckert
Demonstrator Co-Ordinator - Darrell Markewitz
Volunteers Co-Ordinator - Dan Linkenheld
Registration & Financial - Shirley Young / Karin Bleckert
Gallery - Kelly Probyn-Smith
Trouble Shooter - Mick Smith
Promotion - SLOT OPEN
Grants & Sponsors - SLOT OPEN
Equipment - SLOT OPEN
Site Manager will include all the logistics of supporting the event. Garbage, security, set up & tear down, all the fun stuff. This works closely with Volunteers, which is where the labour is coming from. (Wolfgang got 'volunteered' for this by Karin by the way.)
Demonstrator Co-Ordinator is also known as 'head animal wrangler'. This will involve all the aspects of getting the demonstrators fed, housed, equipped as required. (Darrell took this primarily because he knows the larger number of the demonstrators personally)
Volunteers Co-Ordinator will get those work shift lists made and filled out. At the event will be responsible for getting bodies to the work stations as scheduled. Expect a certain level of confusion over the conference! (why its separated from Site Manager).
Registration was the task Shirley volunteered for. She has a clear idea how she wants to structure this. Karin, as current OABA treasurer, will assist on the Financial end of this area.
Gallery Kelly is on this area, working up a draft proposal on her concepts. This may include a longer term juried exhibit, likely with a web component. There is likely to be direct involvement in the program design here.
People with skills, experience and TIME are sought for:
Promotions - will include media contacts, advertising, information to affiliated organizations. There is likely to be some integration required with Sponsors.
Grants & Sponsors - ideally this will be someone with past experience navigating the mine field of Government Grants. Most important may be contacting corporate level for donations of goods and services. Even small scale local business may be able to assist CanIRON - and every little bit helps out. (Free coffee from Tims?)
Equipment - is a large and keystone responsibility. It would include forges, tools, AV. In many cases this would have a construction phase well before the event. Key will be getting a requirements list, then canvasing the general membership for some idea what can be loaned.
If you are interested in any of these specific positions, or just helping out with CanIRON8 generally:
Please contact Darrell via e-mail (